Samhain, which is Irish/Gaelic for the Month of November, is also called Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas or Old Hallowmas (Scottish/Celtic), Halloween, and the Witches New Year.  It is the last Pagan harvest ritual and a day to honor the dead.  While it is the end of the witches year, it is also the beginning, and for those of us who believe in reincarnation it is just like life and death, this is one of the mysteries…the end is just the beginning.


Light the Samhain candle…Pass the prayer pipe around as an offering and burn incense (dragons blood, cinnamon) and Samhain oil.  Envision a hedge growing around you (those in the circle).



I cast the Samhain hedge between the worlds.

Be thou the halo of the Goddess

And a protection against all negativity.

I call upon the positive spirits and the Watchtowers of the

North…element of Earth, the East…element of Air, the South…element of Fire, and the West…element of Water …to aid me in this consecration.

I weave the hedge, I create a tapestry of power.  I open the West quarter where those who have passed over reside, and I call forth my birthright and the birthright of all those who are in this circle with me.

Positive energy flows here in the name of the God and the Goddess.

I hallow this place of Spirit.

So mote it be!  This circle is sealed!  (Stomp Earth)


O Wise Goddess, veiled Huntress, grant us your power. 

Wise God, Father of magick and the Wild Host,

Waken your wisdom within us.

By the Hidden Mother and the Hooded Lord,

Ancestral fire we kindle….Spiritual love we invoke.


We come from the Void, and to Her, We shall return.

Ancient wisdom is our teacher.

Fill us with your truth

Grant us your special power.


We know that there is great comfort in eternal sleep and the dark hours of death.

Tonight we journey there, to meet the ones we love.

To find wisdom from the ancients.

And to rebirth ourselves again.


Samhain is the celebration of the final harvest—the cycle of life and death.

A time to be joyful in the rewards that we have cultivated this year.

We stand at the crossroads of yet another year welcoming purification and renewal.



We honor the dark, as the days get shorter and the nights get longer.

This is a time for introspection and planning for the future.

At Samhain, we know that the veils are the thinnest between the worlds, and bid our ancestors to visit us tonight and bring us their wisdom.


By the threads that still connect us

By the silver cord unbroken

By the love that is eternal

Now Great Ancestors we invite you into our circle.  We ask for your wisdom and guidance.  We call upon you as the Western Gate stands open.

To the land of golden sunsets.

In that peace that is unending.

In that life that is eternal.



Now everyone take a few moments to meditate, divine (tarot, runes, crystal balls etc…) and communicate with those who have gone before.


It is time to say farewell

As this Samhain passes from us

Soon the dawning will embrace us

And the sunset portal will close.

Until the turning of the year

We must part for just awhile.

Farewell, until we meet again.


Wise Goddess and Loving God,

We thank you for lending us your wisdom tonight.

And being here to witness this rite.

Positive Spirits and Watchtower and elements of the North, East, South, and West, We thank you for protecting us and witnessing this rite.

Hail and Farewell.


Great Ancestors,

We thank you for joining us this night.

Releatives, friends, and loved ones,

We honor you and wish you sleep well.

May you go in peace.


Great Spirit

Please protect and guide us upon this new year.

So mote it be.

I take down the Samhain hedge,

May the circle be open but never broken!


Rituals were adapted from Ravenwolf’s Talking to the Dead ritual and her Solitary Samhain Ritual…some information came from “A Witches’ Bible” by Janet and Stewart Farrar.